Friday, September 10, 2010

Shades of Purple

This week's theme...PURPLE and any shades of it...I liked the color when I was a little younger but my very traditional grandma discourages me as it is (as older people say) the color of death. But when I grew older and wiser, I began acquiring some pieces in this color.

I do own a gown, more on the lavander shade, this I wore in an office occasion as a fairy with pink wings to match the shade. I have a trapeze blouse, a tee with Pinoy superheroes design and a hooded jacket for the rainy season. I also have 2 pairs of undies one in purple shade while the other lavender. There is also a pair of socks which is currently hanging on the clothesline coz it's my favorite pair. I do have some trinkets and collectibles such as angels clad in purple gown and some hair accessories.

here I am with my officemates during last year's Christmas party.
I'm the one in purple standing at the rightmost part.

my share to this week's meme on:


  1. ooohhh.. looks like a fun gathering! my daughter has fairy wings in pink too ^^

  2. it's actually my niece's, just borrowed it for the party :)
